Which USB Outlet is Right for my Device?

Which USB Outlet is Right for my Device?

Legrand offers an extensive line of USB outlets that add convenience to charge devices efficiently without a bulky adapter. Built for superior strength and durability, Legrand USB Outlets deliver up to 65 watts of power to accommodate the charging capacity required to safely and quickly charge modern electronics. The broad spectrum of Legrand USB Outlets can easily replace an existing outlet and are available with Type-A and Type-C connections, ultra-fast amperage, Power Delivery and tamper-resistant shutters.

Acuity: Lighting a Path – How Lights Help With Wayfinding

Acuity: Lighting a Path – How Lights Help With Wayfinding

Warden: Healthcare facilities can be like labyrinths for people to get lost in, which is why wayfinding is a critical feature to have. Fortunately, elements such as signage and lighting can be helpful for patients and staff to use to find their way. In this manufacturer roundtable, Healthcare Facilities Today speaks with lighting manufacturers about how lights can be used for wayfinding purposes.