Wattstopper Wireless Controls

WattStopper Wireless Receptacle Controls (WRC Series)

WattStopper is extending its occupancy-based lighting control to plug loads.The Wireless Receptacle Controls (WRC) facilitates Auto-On/Auto-Off occupancy-based control of plug loads and includes an RF Transmitter and RF Receptacles. It comes in two versions: for use with stand-alone occupancy sensors, or with WattStopper’s Digital Lighting Management (DLM) platform.

Samsung Chip Onboard

Samsung Introduces Chip-on-Board LED Packages with Small LES and Advanced Colour Quality

Samsung’s new chip-on-board (COB) LED package line-ups include small LES (light-emitting surface) COB packages, high CRI (colour rendering index) COBs, and vivid COBs. With their outstanding colour quality and scaled-down light emitting space, the new COB packages provide a major design alternative for LED lighting makers.

Echelon Lumewave

Echelon: New Lumewave products for Outdoor Lighting Control

Echelon Corp is converging all new and established wireless and wired connectivity solutions for lighting control under itsLumewave platform.The platform is designed to provide industrial and commercial settings (e.g., roadways, cities and municipalities, office buildings, university and corporate campuses, parking areas, stadiums, etc.) with end-to-end lighting control that delivers the utmost in flexibility.