ENCELIUM EXTEND Light Management System Enables Smart Lighting and IoT Applications for Commercial Interior and Building Site Spaces

may 22, 2018
OSRAM, a global high-tech lighting company, today announced the ENCELIUM EXTEND Networked Light Management System (LMS) for commercial interior and building site spaces that seek the features and functionality of an advanced lighting control solution combined with a platform for the Internet of Things (IoT).
The ENCELIUM EXTEND Networked LMS offers advanced energy reporting, data analytics, building automation system integration and web-accessible control. In addition, a number of recent innovations by OSRAM are compatible with the ENCELIUM EXTEND Networked LMS and expand system functionality, including the Wireless Site Lighting Control (WSLC) module, DEXAL (Data Exchange (interface) for Advanced Lighting) technology, and the newly launched SensiLUM™ Wireless Integrated Sensor.
These innovative technologies enable the ENCELIUM EXTEND Networked LMS to create the technology infrastructure necessary for smart lighting and other smart building and Internet of Things (IoT) applications.
For more information: https://www.osram.us/cb/press/press-releases/05_02_18_encelium_extend_light_management_system_enables_smart_lighting_and_iot_applications.jsp