Andrea Cingoli of Concepticon Studio Won the Gold Medal at the European Design Awards 2017 with a Smart Chandelier tuBI’

Andrea Cingoli, the Italian designer and founder of Concepticon Studio, was awarded the gold medal at the European Design Award in Brussels with the innovative project tuBl’, a smart chandelier that can interact with your smartphone and allows you to save energy as well as provide the best lighting in the environment.
In addition to the gold medal won in the Energy Saving Lighting section, tuBI’ also received a silver medal in the Interactive Lighting Project category.
tuBI’ is a chandelier that senses the user and their needs, evaluates contextual conditions and adjusts its shape and function automatically by making space suitable for the actions of its inhabitant: all you need to do is bring the illuminating body closer to the operating surfaces (tables or desks) to enhance the users’ visual comfort.
The transformation takes place autonomously: all that needs to be done is to connect to your phone via Bluetooth and place the smartphone on the desktop. At that point, the lamp will detect the incidental luminosity on the table and the bulb will get brighter until the phone signals that the brightness on the floor is optimal for the activity to be performed.
The movement is possible through a mobile “SKELETON”, consisting of a telescopic antenna controlled by an electric actuator, an elastic “LEATHER” system ELASTAM, a fibre capable of extending its length by 500%, a “HEART”, consisting of two dimmable RGB light sources, and a “BRAIN” consisting of an electronic control unit that coordinates all other systems and connects them to the smartphone.
The light intensity monitoring app also has a system for adjusting colour tones, light temperature and object length so that each user can configure the lamp to suit their taste.
The ability to change shape and colour allows considerable energy saving, as increasing the brightness does not increase the lamp power but moves it closer to the work surface. Moreover, it is a formidable piece of furniture that makes the room functional to the needs of those who live in it.