Lux Measurement and UFV are Sending Retrofitted Streetlights to El Salvador as part of new LED Recycling Program

Aug 21, 2019
With the help of Keith McPherson and his company, Lux Measurement, Harrison Hot Springs is sending its recently replaced streetlights to El Salvador as part of a new program developed alongside the University of the Fraser Valley (UVF).
UFV and Lux Measurement are working together cleaning and retrofitting Harrison’s High-Pressure Sodium lights with LED corn lights and photosensors and shipping them to El Salvador to be used in the municipality, El Rosario.
The pilot is starting off with 60 lights that will replace El Rosario’s mercury vapour streetlights. The project will provide 80% energy savings for the municipality by replacing the 175-watt mercury lights with 36-watt LEDs. Mercury vapour lights need to be replaced every two to three years and their disposal can be harmful to the environment. The retrofitted LEDs will last longer, use less energy, and provide a better light source.
Thus far, the main hurdle for the program is the transportation costs, McPherson said. Although, the municipality of Harrison Hot Springs was kind enough to subsidize the transport for the pilot. The focus for Lux Measurement is to make sure the project is successful before they solidify the process.
“What we have is a lot of hope and good vibes,” said McPherson, “we’re keeping our fingers crossed and hoping it works out.”
Each upgraded light will cost El Rosario about $40. McPherson noted that the cost will be recaptured in four months with the energy savings.
This is the first project under the new program. McPherson said they wanted to make sure they are successful before they pursue other projects. Although, McPherson said they are certainly open to discussions with interested municipalities.
El Salvador has approximately 150,000 of these mercury vapour streetlights, so McPherson is hopeful they can capitalize on the opportunity to help out by generating some employment, save municipalities money, while also helping the environment. The program could also beneficial for Canadian municipalities that have to safely dispose of their used streetlights. He said they’re not entirely sure what will come of the program, but they are cautiously optimistic, “sometimes big things come from little things.”
Lux Measurement is a company that works with municipalities to measure their lighting levels and then determine which LED lighting systems will be optimal for their needs. The company formed in connection with UFV. They use four arrays of photosensors, measuring luminescence on the roadway to compare with standards, as well as tailoring lights to each pole location, ultimately to maximize energy efficiency while providing optimal luminescence.
Lux Measurement was consulting with Harrison and UTLA (Universidad Tecnica Latino Americana) on separate projects when the idea came about to repurpose Harrison’s HPS lights, as they were all still functioning properly.
UFV students will be helping out in the fall term by taking apart the lights, cleaning them, as well as adding photosensors. Then the lights will be shipped to UTLA in Santa Tecla, El Salvador where they will be reassembled and tested. FUNDATER (a not for profit rural development group in El Salvador) introduced the project to El Rosario and FUNDATER will make sure they get the lights installed. If the pilot project is successful, McPherson noted that Lux Measurement will do the retrofitting in house. He also noted that the project may also lead to international student exchanges and new ties for the universities involved.
Visit the Lux Measurement website for more infromation