Lighting as a Service: Navigant Global Market Analysis and Forecasts

According to a new report by Navigant Research, the stage is set for the rise of lighting as a service (LaaS). Global LaaS revenue is expected to grow from US$35.2 million in 2016 to US$1.6 billion in 2025.
The lighting industry is in the midst of two concurrent upheavals. LED lighting is rapidly taking over from incumbent technologies, and lighting controls systems are greatly expanding the abilities of the technology that operates the lights. The lack of experience with new lighting and lighting controls products is one of the primary barriers to a more complete adoption of these beneficial technologies. In this atmosphere, the lighting industry is primed for yet another change — a shift in how all the solutions involved in a modern lighting system are provided to building end users.
Navigant Research defines LaaS as the third-party management of a lighting system that may include additional technical, maintenance, financial, or other services. These offerings can begin with the installation of a lighting system, continue through maintenance and management, and even include the recycling or disposal of equipment at the end of its life. Several companies are beginning to offer combinations of these services as they experiment with how best to meet their customers’ needs. Navigant Research anticipates that these efforts represent the beginning of a trend that will mature and grow rapidly over the next 10 years.
This Navigant Research report examines the global LaaS market for commercial buildings. The study provides an analysis of the market issues, technological developments, and regional trends related to LaaS, with a focus on four service types: professional, maintenance, managed, and others (such as financing). Global forecasts for revenue and square footage under LaaS management, segmented by region, service type, and building type, extend through 2025. The report also profiles select industry players and highlights the innovative ways they use networked lighting systems and cloud-based software to offer LaaS.
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