DLC Releases Final Version of SSL Technical Requirements Version 4.4

October 3, 2018
This update by the Design Lights Consortium consists of new policies that will allow high performance, energy efficient horticultural lighting products, DC and PoE products, and field-adjustable light output products to be qualified and listed on the DLC QPLs.
These revisions will be added to the Technical Requirements as Version 4.4 and go into effect on Thursday, October 18, 2018.
This release also includes a second draft of the DLC requirements for products with field-adjustable light distribution. Comments on this second draft policy are due using the DLC comment form by Monday, October 22, 2018.
Version 4.4 of the DLC application form will be made available shortly on the DLC Application Instructions pages for Single Product, Family Grouping, Private Label, and Product Update applications. This form must be used for any applications submitted on or after October 18, 2018. Uploading a different version of the application form after October 18 will result in an upload error.
Find out more: https://mailchi.mp/designlights/final-policy-release-technical-requirements-v44?e=ea7a9dcaae.