IES Annual Conference Call for Speakers, Papers and Posters

February 16, 2018
IES invites authors of papers related to the art, science and practice of illumination to submit abstracts for papers and posters to be considered for presentation in either a paper or poster session at the 2018 IES Annual Conference, taking place in Boston, MA August 9-11.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Light.Balance,” bringing focus to the numerous criteria that must be addressed in all applications of light. Abstracts must fit into any of the three following categories:
- Educational programming session(one hour) — topics include art and application, science and research, and career/education planning and business building. Submissions close March 30.
- Technical paper and 30-minute presentation — submit extended abstract, up to 3 pages (maximum 800 words, plus figures), by May 1.
- Poster session presentation— submit extended abstract, up to 3 pages (maximum 800 Words, plus figures), by May 19. Details on submitting and desired content can be found here. Submissions close May 1.
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