Galileo Award

Oct 22, 2021
This award is given in recognition of outstanding achievements in research or academic work on light pollution over a multiple-year period.
Salvador Xurxo Bará Viñas
Salvador Bará is professor of Optics at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Galicia (Spain, European Union). He is a leading expert in visual optics, lighting, and light pollution research. He works in the application of physics and photonics methods, concepts, and devices to analyze, assess and solve issues relevant to light pollution. His outstanding achievements in light pollution propagation modeling and monitoring, evaluation of non-visual effects of light at night, and the development of new techniques for light pollution photometry are impressive. Professor Bará is an internationally recognized scientist who has many collaborations worldwide. His research is characterized by a strong emphasis on understanding the broader aspects of optics that require deep knowledge in physics, mathematics, and technology. The optical methods and solutions he developed became important in diverse fields of science, including illumination engineering, physics, astronomy, and other natural sciences.