IES Fundamentals of Lighting Evening Course

March 9, 2021
To be environmentally responsible, the Vancouver Section does not provide the IES FOL-15 course material. You will be required to purchase the IES Fundamentals of Lighting Student Edition course material from the IES website (if you want a hardcopy, please be aware that it takes about 3 weeks to arrive). Hardcopy:
Follow the instructions on the IES website to download and open the files. The total number of pages is in excess of 1,000 so you will need some type of device (laptop, Surface Pro, IPad, etc.) to use during class. We typically have supplementary files available through Google Classroom. In order to access all the quizzes and supplementary files, you will need an email account for Classroom access.
In order to pass the course, you will have quizzes throughout the course and a take-home exam given out on the final day.
Please note that due to COVID-19 virus, this course will be taught entirely 100% online.
Go HERE for more information