New Publication from LRC on UV Disinfection Products

Dec 23, 2020
The Lighting Research Center (LRC) recently released its latest publication, Lighting Answers: UV Disinfection Products. This online publication includes information on products that produce optical radiation at specific ultraviolet (UV) or very short visible wavelengths, designed for use in disinfecting indoor building surfaces and/or air. Three key aspects of UV disinfection are considered throughout the document: product effectiveness, radiation safety, and energy use in buildings.
The publication is organized into a question-and-answer format. Questions were developed based on the results of a survey sent by the LRC to lighting stakeholders in June 2020. Important aspects of UV disinfection discussed in the publication include the wavelengths of optical radiation commonly used for disinfection, key characteristics of UV disinfection products currently on the market, field measurement and assessment of UV disinfection products, and currently available codes and regulations pertaining to these products.
The publication also provides a concise guide for professionals who are considering the specification of UV disinfection products in buildings, including a discussion on selecting the dose of UV radiation needed to inactivate various types of pathogens (viruses, bacteria, or fungi). Finally, the publication includes the results of LRC testing of twelve UV disinfection products, representing a variety of product types. This analysis includes a review of manufacturer claims of product performance and well as LRC evaluation of other key attributes of product performance. The report was sponsored by the Lighting Energy Alliance, the McClung Lighting Research Foundation, and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).
Lighting Answers: UV Disinfection Products is available free to the public, courtesy of the above sponsors.
For more information, contact Daniel Frering at the LRC, (518) 276-7148 or