Leviton Lighting Brands License 365DisInFx UVA Technology from GE Current, a Daintree Company

LDS Leviton GE 400

Nov 2, 2020

Leviton Lighting brands are the first lighting manufacturers to license 365DisInFxTM UVA technology, the new disinfection lighting technology by GE Current, a Daintree company (Current), for incorporation into their lighting portfolio. The patented technology can help to disinfect surfaces in occupied spaces, with immediate applications in healthcare, commercial, and educational facilities via Leviton Lighting & Controls luminaires.

Current’s 365DisInFx™ UVA technology uses UV-A LEDs to reduce the potential spread of certain common infection-causing pathogens in virtually any space. This allows for spaces to be disinfected in real time while occupants are present. The UVA light emitted from the fixture is invisible to the human eye. When installed and used as directed, fixtures incorporating this disinfection technology are designed to meet IEC photobiological safety standard 62471.

“We’re excited to have Leviton as our first licensing partner for the 365DisInFx™ UVA technology,” said Melissa Wesorick, Current’s Chief Marketing Officer. “Aligning with a fellow leader in lighting and controls will help us work together to create cleaner environments using this proven disinfection technology.”

365DisInFX™ UVA technology works by delivering light in the 300nm spectrum that excites certain molecules found inside microbes. This excitation causes reactions that result in oxidative cell damage to pathogens, rendering them inactive. This patented technology has been proven effective on common pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA), Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Acintobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans and aurias, as well as on pathogen analogs such as bacteriophage MS2. Leviton Lighting & Controls brands including Viscor, ConTech, Birchwood and Intense will be developing products to market using the 365DisInFx™ UVA technology.


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