2020 LC Examination Now Online December 1 – December 15, 2020.

Oct 2, 2020
Because of NCQLP’s concern for the well-being of all approved Candidates who plan to take the LC Examination in 2020, NCQLP is pleased to announce that arrangements have been made with PSI, NCQLP’s professional testing service, to enable Candidates to take the Examination online at over 600 predetermined sites, being offered by PSI for this purpose instead of the Paper and Pencil format.
As a result, there will not be an LC Examination held on November 7, 2020. Instead, candidates will be given the opportunity to select the site of their choice from among the over 600 available sites taking the LC Examination online at those sites between December 1 and December 15, 2020. Scheduling for the newly established sites and dates will take place after November 1, 2020. PSI will contact all Candidates for the LC Examination prior to November 1 to provide specific instructions on how to proceed with the scheduling process.
NCQLP is very pleased to be able to make this transition possible at this critical time in order to accommodate the needs of Candidates during the worldwide pandemic.
Go HERE for more information