Hort V1.2 Update: Reduced Benchtop Driver Testing Requirements

May 21, 2020
Effective May 18, 2020, the DLC is making a small change to the current V1.2 Testing and Reporting Requirements for Horticultural Lighting Products in order to reduce testing burden for manufacturers. Under the updated requirements, the method to determine the “worst-case” driver has been changed to lessen required testing, reduce application delays, and align with the SSL review process. This change will not affect the review of applications in process.
This update to the horticultural requirements is detailed below and is now reflected on the DLC website on the Horticultural Technical Requirements webpage.
May 2020 Update to Horticultural Testing and Reporting Requirements:
Under the requirements update, the “worst-case” variation is assumed to be the driver with the highest wattage and benchtop testing no longer requires driver output electrical data to inform “worst-case” (as opposed to the least efficient driver approach required under the original policy).
- For each unique driver used, manufacturers must now provide electrical testing to demonstrate which driver variation results in the overall minimum PPE (generally the highest wattage) when at full designed operating power.
- Output voltage, current, and wattage are no longer required to be reported for each unique driver.
- The highest wattage driver will be confirmed by reviewing the submitted measurements of the input of each unique driver.
- The driver with the highest wattage must be used in the tested configuration.