May 15: IES Edmonton AGM and the State of Lighting in Northern Alberta

April 22, 2019
In addition to the AGM, the event will feature a presentation on the state of lighting in Northern Alberta and beyond, featuring award-winning lighting projects, interesting lighting installations, and other lighting features designed by local teams.
Again this year IES Edmonton will recognize the section’s lighting contributions with its Northern Lighting awards. One winner will be presented in each of the two categories: Interior and Exterior. A special prize draw will be held for everyone who submits a project, and all voters will be also be eligible for a prize draw. Deadline for project submissions: May 8.
To showcase a project at the AGM, send the following information:
- project title
- project location
- a short description of the project
- up to 5 photos that we can use for the presentation
The projects may be geographically located anywhere in the world. However, design credit must belong to those in the Edmonton section.
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