Viscor, ILSCO Canada, Liteline, and NSi Industries Take Top Honours at the 2019 IMARK Canada Product Stampede

Sept 17, 2019
During the recently held IMARK Canada 2019 meeting in Niagara Falls, executives from 14 of the leading manufacturers in the Canadian electrical and lighting industry participated in the IMARK Canada Product Stampede on September 13th.
Select manufacturer executives had precisely five minutes to present a key product with superior growth potential to the members of IMARK Canada. Distributor member executives then rated each supplier based on the quality of the presentation and the perceived sales potential of the product being demonstrated.
According to Steve Ruane, IMARK Canada Vice President of Marketing, “All of the supplier presenters did an excellent job and our members picked up a lot of valuable information in a very short amount time.”
IMARK Canada is pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 Product Stampede.
First Place: Viscor presenters Lori Bagazzoli, Pierre Legare, and Ron Stevens who discussed the company’s line of retrofit lighting solutions.
Second Place: ILSCO Canada featuring Carl Ura and the new Task Master line of electrician’s scissors.
Third Place (tie): Liteline Corporation and the Forum Edge product presented by Steve McMullen.
Third Place (tie): NSi Industries Canada and the Warrior Wrap line on electrical tapes presented by Jason Obetz, Janet Caruso, and Jorge Roman.
For more information about IMARK Canada contact Jim Taggart of IMARK Canada at