Speakers Sought for IALD Enlighten Americas 2019

December 10, 2018
The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) is seeking experts to present at Enlighten Americas 2019. The event will take place October 3-5, 2019 in Albuquerque, NM, and is the site of IALD’s 50th Anniversary celebration. Deadline for proposals: January 7, 2019.
The Enlighten Americas conference will offer workshops and other meetings on the first day and then follow a three-track system, featuring courses in the art, science and professional tools tracks for the second and third days.
The event will also be the climax of a year-long celebration marking the IALD’s 50th anniversary. The theme for the 2019 conference will be Celebrating the Power of Light — honouring the past, celebrating the present and looking to the future. The Content Advisory Group, which selects the speakers and sessions, will be looking for session topics that fit this theme.
Find out more: ialdenlightenamericas2019cfp.hubb.me