October 19-21: IES Toronto Fundamentals of Lighting

July 10, 2018
This three-day offering, taking place on a Friday to Sunday, is an introductory course comprising 10 modules. The course includes three full days of instructions, a course material binder, quizzes, a final exam, and a project.
Topics include the following: history, light and colour, vision; light sources; daylighting; luminaires; controls; photometry and calculations; codes and standards, and economics; lighting design process, commissioning; lighting for interiors and exteriors.
Space is limited. Register today: events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07effx6w0bfcc447b6&c=ccdde0b0-b30c-11e4-be20-d4ae529a826e&ch=cce18a30-b30c-11e4-be20-d4ae529a826e.