Archilume Introduces Three New LED Luminaire Lines in New York

June 1, 2018
Canadian lighting designer Saleem Khattak, owner of Archilume, unveiled three new luminaire systems for modern architecture and interiors at New York’s ICFF trade show, which took place May 20-23. The 30th annual ICFF tradeshow, North America’s platform for global design, maps the newest frontier of what’s best and what’s next.
Inspired by minimalist shapes condensed to their most basic yet visually strong essential forms, Archilume’s functional Alto, Aura and Balance lighting arrangements lend a sculptural element to modern spaces. The new luminaire systems share Archilume’s signature characteristic: glare-free illumination employing the principle of total internal reflection optics, a natural phenomenon perfected and brought to the world of decorative lighting by Archilume. The new products also allow designers and owners more choice in creating their own unique spatial lighting compositions.
Archilume’s new LED luminaires offer a new Dim to Warm feature enhancing the dimming performance of Archilume’s Alto and Aura LED light sources, allowing them to follow exactly the dimming curve of familiar filament lamps while enabling them to emit a warmer light as they are dimmed. The effect offers a more relaxing atmosphere for residential and hospitality applications. Innovation in the development of LED lighting is rapidly increasing their aesthetic appeal, and Warm Dimming is the new way many LEDs are producing realistic, natural appearing light.