June 12: IES Technical Seminar on User Experience Design Principles for Lighting Design

June 1, 2018
Cambridge, Ontario is the setting for this evening seminar led by Luis Rocha, Lighting Design Principal. Luis advocates a comprehensive system approach to lighting design and is passionate about user experience (UX) lighting design and implementation of interactive and immersive technologies.
UX Design (user-experience design), has its genesis in the world of human-computer interface (HCI) design. It has evolved to address user experience and user interface graphic design, and recently it has become a ubiquitous philosophy utilizing artificial intelligence to achieve results otherwise unimaginable.
LED technology, new controls protocols and the promise of IOT is driving this evolution. White tuning, warm dim, colour projection and high-trim tuning are but a few promising new tools for the Lighting Designer using UX design principles as a cohesive, integrated set of experiences. The Lighting Designer is now expected to develop design narratives which address usability of systems, as well as interactive and immersive technologies and methods.
For over three decades, Luis has been involved in architectural lighting system design. He is responsible for project illumination scheme development, photometric analysis, lighting and controls design and commissioning, for Educational, Commercial and Residential, Hospitality and Theme Parks.
Register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07efe1ff1af176317b&oseq=&c=&ch=.