DLC Releases Technical Requirements V4.2

May 10, 2017
The DesignLights Consortium has released Technical Requirements V4.2, which includes new expansions and revisions to the technical requirements for solid-state lighting (SSL) products.
Technical Requirements V4.2 is the finalization of several months of discussions with DLC members and stakeholders, and includes the following expansions and revisions: new testing requirements for products under specialty use designations with the word “hazardous” in the designation descriptor; a revision to the linear replacement lamp policy to create new, distinct general applications for T5 and T5HO four-foot replacement lamps; and allowances to the efficacy requirements for products that have low CCT or high CRI.
New testing and reporting requirements for hazardous location lighting
Under the V4.2 requirements, products applying to a specialty use designation with a “hazardous” descriptor must undergo testing and certification to UL 844 by a relevant safety organization.
Linear replacement lamps
Four-foot linear replacement lamps are broken into three general application designations, with distinct eligibility, testing, and performance requirements:
- T8 replacement lamps — LED lamps that are 48 inches long and employ a G13 base
- T5 replacement lamps — LED lamps that are 46 inches long, employ a G5 base, and are intended to replace T5 fluorescent lamps
- T5HO replacement lamps — LED lamps that are 46 inches long, employ a G5 base, and are intended to replace T5HO lamps
The concept of allowances was first introduced with the release of Technical Requirements V4.0. Following review and deliberation of submissions received from manufacturers in response to a request for proposals on allowances needs, the DLC is launching an allowances program with allowances of up to 5% to the efficacy requirement for products that have low CCT or high CRI. Please note: V4.2 Allowances for CCT and CRI will be retroactively applied to all products on the QPL prior to 4/1/2017 (that is prior to the V4.0 de-listing).
Correction to multiple LED policy
Technical Requirements V4.2 includes a correction to the multiple LED policy, which previously was restricted to products employing multiple white-light LEDs only. This restriction is now removed.
Implementation timeline
The implementation timeline of Technical Requirements V4.2 affects only manufacturers of linear replacement lamps and hazardous location luminaires listed under specialty use designations that are affected by this revision:
- manufacturers may submit applications that comply with these policy changes immediately
- a submission grace period is in effect until May 19, 2017. During this grace period, manufacturers may submit listings to the DLC QPL under the V4.1 requirements
- a listing grace period is in effect until July 28. Following this grace period, all products must meet the V4.2 requirements to remain listed
Find out more: www.designlights.org/news-events/news/dlc-releases-technical-requirements-v4-2/.