City of Toronto Report Recommends On-Street EV Charging Stations on Hydro Poles

October 23, 2017
A report by the City of Toronto’s General Manager, Transportation Services and Chief Corporate Officer recommends piloting an on-street electric vehicle charging program that would involve installing 14 charge stations on Toronto Hydro electrical and street light poles.
Electrifying transportation, including personal vehicles, is a key strategy adopted by Toronto City Council to meet Toronto’s target of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The report calling for on-street electric vehicle charging is the first step towards developing this strategy.
It recommends a one-year pilot program that would take place in residential permit parking areas. According to the report, 80% of EV charging occurs in single family homes with on-site parking and access to an electrical outlet. However, many residents don’t have on-site parking. Instead, they rely on the city’s residential permit parking system to park on street close to their place of residence.
Toronto Hydro will be responsible for bringing power to the EV charge station spots. The city will be responsible for funding signage and pavement markings and operating charge station kiosks.
Read the report: