Legrand Confirmed in the FTSE4Good Index

Feb 08 2016
Legrand has once again been ranked in the FTSE4Good index, after its first inclusion in 2007. Created by the global index company FTSE Group, FTSE4Good identifies listed companies that are considered ethical and responsible.
FTSE Group confirms that Legrand has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series.
The FTSE4Good Index Series measures the performance of companies demonstrating strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. Transparent management and clearly-defined ESG criteria make FTSE4Good indices suitable tools to be used by a wide variety of market participants when creating or assessing responsible investment products.
This provides recognition of the importance that the Legrand Group attaches to growing its business in compliance with non-financial criteria of corporate social and environmental responsibility, thereby placing people and the environment at the centre of its strategy.
Here’s a sampling of other CSR indexes and registers in which Legrand is also represented:
• Dow Jones Sustainability World Index
• Ethibel Pioneer and Ethibel Excellence Investment Registers
• ECPI Ethical EMU Equity Index
• Oekom Research Corporate Rating
• RobecoSAM “Sustainability Yearbook 2015”