EFC Lighting Distribution Subcommittee Update

Electro-Federation Canada’s newly formed Lighting Distribution Subcommittee held its first meeting at EFC offices on September 10. The Chair, Eric Tordjman, Mercor Lighting, prefaced the introduction of new business with remarks to characterize the purpose and direction of the newly formed subcommittee. The next several meetings will lay the groundwork for constructive conversations among distributors who deal with common issues and problems, and look for unified solutions for the industry as a whole. The issues will dictate the direction of conversation.
After a general discussion with input from all attendees, it was agreed work would begin with lighting incentives and discussions with Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) concerning safety and inspections of lighting installations. Mark Silverstein, Liteline, and Chair of the Lighting Product Section, attended to offer his support to the subcommittee.
The subcommittee aims to engage such stakeholders as the Independent Electricity System Operator, other utilities, multiple LDCs, ESA, as well as a broad range of manufacturers. These conversations are expected to highlight issues and broaden conversation in a bid to reach the goals set out by the subcommittee. For further information or participation interest, contact Rob McIntyre, rmcintyre@electrofed.com