Enter the 13th International City.People.Light Competition

The City.People.Light award contest, created in 2003 by LUCI(Lighting Urban Community International)and Philips, rewards urban lighting projects that best demonstrate rehumanizing the urban environment through light and explore ways to maximize sustainability and improve the livability in the city. This year’s deadline: June 12.
The award is intended to help creating awareness among city authorities, urban planners and architects of the advantages that urban lighting brings to a city.
Eligible projects
All projects that have been completed less than two years prior to entry in the contest can participate, from single buildings and/or landmarks to urban areas to even complete city master planning. The lighting project must be of a permanent nature and visible to all people. Temporary light festival illuminations are excluded from the contest.
There’s more to the contest than just winning awards – you’ll also get the chance to showcase your work internationally, and much more. Representatives of the three winning projects will get to:
• meet 100 city representatives from all over the world during the Annual LUCI event
• see your project promoted and showcased during the award ceremony, on the Philips and LUCI websites, via theirr social media channels, and in the professional press
• join the conferences during the annual LUCI meeting and network with professional colleagues.
Furthermore, the top 20 projects will be promoted in the yearly city.people.light award video. They will be promoted on the award ceremony entry wall, which will include the names of the urban designers and be seen by approximately 100 city representatives worldwide.
Find out more: http://www.lighting.philips.com/main/education/city-people-light/awards.html.