Global Lighting Association releases Regulatory Guidelines for an Effective Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting in emerging economies

Nov 5, 2021
The Global Lighting Association (GLA) has published a document containing a recommended set of regulatory guidelines for general service and linear LED lamps. Based on international standards, the guidelines are intended for use by regulatory authorities in developing and emerging economies considering national legislation and associated regulations to accelerate the transition to energy efficient lighting.
GLA’s Regulatory Guidelines are designed to not only drive energy savings, but also enable affordable and effective market enforcement, thereby protecting consumers and encouraging fair competition.
In contrast to other initiatives proposing rule making for energy efficiency transitions, the Regulatory Guidelines offer a simple, practical and balanced approach based on GLA members’ decades of expertise and experience in the consumer and professional lighting markets. The Regulatory Guidelines define only seven essential requirements to be regulated covering the key elements needed to facilitate a smooth transition to energy efficient lighting of assured product quality. This makes them easy and fast to implement and enforce.
‘Pushing overly-ambitious regulations with a high degree of complexity in countries that have yet to build experience in product testing and effective market enforcement has been shown to be counterproductive. We’ve seen how that hinders consumer ability to purchase compliant products and, in turn, how it promotes illegal trade of non-compliant and less efficient lighting products’, said GLA’s Secretary General, Bryan Douglas.
‘The GLA firmly believes that simple, harmonised and well-enforced regulations are the only feasible path to implement the transition to energy efficient LED lighting in emerging economies,’ he said.
The Global Lighting Association’s document GLA Regulatory Guidelines for an Effective Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting – General Service and Linear LED Lamps may be downloaded from the Association’s website. About the Global Lighting Association.